Hey! Welcome to our vision.
We're creating NAiiA, your personal nursing and care AI-assistant. Let us show you how we wanna revolutionise nursing like never before

NAiiAs Vision
Hi, we are Jakob & Tobi and we have a vision. Of a world in which people in need of help - in hospitals, care centres and at home - receive the care they deserve: individual, tailored to the person. To achieve this, we are developing NAiiA (Nursing
Artificial intelligence interactive Assistant), an AI care assistant that helps professional and lay carers worldwide to avoid care errors, provide expert help with
questions and simplify care processes and interventions so that carers can focus
on what really matters: The patient, the resident, the client.
AI assistance in professional nursing
NAiiA may help save time on task like documentation and so frees time up to work or talk with the Patient. More time for patients eases the job greatly.
AI-assistance at home
Everyone who cares for their loved ones at home can ask NAiiA for assistance and she'll help providing professional, yet understandable know-how and to-dos.
Talkative AI-nurse for all your questions.
If you're just curious what nursing is all about, just come and talk a bit with NAiiA. She will answer everything you wanna know about nursing.
NAiiAs Training
NAiiA is trained to explain and clarify issues in a professional, yet friendly and
humorous manner, provide expert instruction, assist with the entire care process
including care planning, and perform and guide professional documentation (e.g.
wound documentation) to provide the best, customised care for each individual
care recipient. All this is done by providing knowledge and support to the people
who provide this care: nurses and other carers worldwide.
Trained by professionals
Various people with a wide skillsets, such as developers, nurses & nursing students and communication pros train NAiiA, so she gets to know all she needs to.
Adaptive experience
No matter what level of training or experience you have, NAiiA is trained to adapt to you in order to provide you with optimal assistance.
Unbiased & friendly way
We train NAiiA to be a friendly, humorous and professional assistant, which does not dicriminate and is not racist. Ethics expert help us with this.
NAiiAs Team
We are a young, motivated team and we share one thing in common: we are visionaries. We share our love for AI and and endulge in finding and developing possibilities to get the best out of AI for every single one.
We come from different specialisms and each of us brings our expertise to help shape the future a little better with NAiiA.
Jakob: is a bright head when it comes to development, technical knowledge and networking. His vast experience is the key element here.
Having a masters degree in industrial logistics and year-long experience in the crypro market and blockchain (products like brokkr and ). Jakob is our mastermind of bringing NAiiA to computer screens all over the world.
Check his work out at gmoser.xyz
Tobi: he is currently studying nursing and already has a 10 year experience in the austrian health system. He previously worked as an EMT-B and emergency dispatcher at the Styrian Red Cross Emergency Dispatch Center and was thus able to gain a lot of experience in health care-specific topics
It's Tobis dream to make individualised care available for everyone with no limitations to location or access to professional institutions.
Celly: currently studies journalism and public relations. She also is engaged as an EMT-B and thus shares the vision of providing care to all people in a professional way.
It's Cellys affinity to language, design and her unique way to communicate in a happy and encouraging way that makes her special to us. She's our motivational engine who always keeps things running. She shares the prospect of a better world in which suffering will be reduced.
David: also studies nursing. He also has a bachelor's degree in history and religious studies. David also engages in ethics and will later do further training in nursing science and nursing ethics. His goal is to one day become a member of the Austrian Bioethics Commission.
Also active as an EMT-B, David brings with him experience in the Austrian healthcare system and shares the thought of getting the most out for everyone.
I'm currently under construstion, please be patient. Something great will continue soon.

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